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Banana Leaves

Wellness Retreats and Sober Holidays


Embark on Your Wellness Journey

Embarking on a new chapter in life, whether transitioning into sobriety, overcoming anxiety, or recovering from burnout, is a profound journey that demands attention, care, and a nurturing environment.


At Mindful Recovery, we understand this intimate and unique path you're treading. We've meticulously designed our health and wellness sober retreats to be more than just a getaway — they are a bridge to your renewed self, precisely tailored for those freshly out of treatment or navigating mental health challenges.


Whether you seek a bespoke retreat for yourself, with a partner, family, or a group, we have options that fit your unique needs and circumstances.

Your Support Team: A Circle of Care in Recovery

At Mindful Recovery, you're never alone on your journey to wellness. Our team of professionals is here to support, guide, and inspire you.


Counsellor/Therapist: Providing personalised sessions, our counsellors and therapists are here to help you explore your emotions, understand your triggers, and build coping strategies.


Recovery Coach: Your dedicated coach understands the complex path to recovery. They'll be with you every step of the way, offering guidance, encouragement, and a plan tailored to your needs.


Fitness and Mobility Coach: Whether you are seeking to rebuild physical strength or find joy in movement, our fitness experts will design a program that aligns with your body's unique needs.


Massage and Osteopathy: Experience the healing touch of our skilled massage therapists and osteopaths. They'll work with you to relieve stress, alleviate pain, and create a sense of balance within your body.

A Retreat for Every Need: Individuals, Couples, Families, and Groups

Our bespoke retreats are carefully curated across Europe's tranquil settings, including the Greek Islands, Austria, and the Canary Islands, wild eco-retreats in Southwest France, and locations around the UK and Ireland. Each retreat is designed to target specific needs and recovery goals and can be customised for individuals, couples, families, or groups, ensuring a truly personalised experience.

The Mindful Recovery Methodology: Personalised Path to Wellness

At Mindful Recovery, we understand that every individual's journey is unique. Our retreats are tailored to foster mental clarity, physical wellness, and emotional balance and are available for individuals, couples, families, or groups.


Seamless Integration of Therapies

Our skilled professionals, including therapists, counsellors, nurses, recovery coaches, fitness instructors, and wellness experts, work harmoniously to provide a cohesive and nurturing experience. We seamlessly integrate different therapeutic approaches, fitness routines, and wellness practices to form a comprehensive path to recovery.


Connection to Nature & Activities

Nature's healing touch is at the core of our retreats. Through activities like hiking, personal training, swimming, snorkeling, stand-up paddle boarding, free diving, rock climbing, yoga, and calisthenics, we create experiences that allow you to reconnect with the natural world. Whether it's the Austrian Alps' tranquil beauty or the Greek Islands' enchanting allure, we weave nature into your daily routine.


Sailing Retreats in the Greek Islands: Lito Escapes

Embark on a unique journey of healing and self-discovery with our sailing retreats in the Greek Islands. These specialised retreats offer a serene setting to reconnect with the self and nature while exploring the crystalline waters of Greece. Our experienced sailing crew guides you through picturesque islands, allowing you to absorb the therapeutic benefits of the sea. Learn more on our dedicated Lito Escapes page, which provides in-depth details about this unforgettable experience.


Focus on Sustainable Living

At Mindful Recovery, our commitment to the environment is more than a philosophy; it's a way of life. In our wild eco-retreats in Southwest France, the sustainability principle guides every decision we make. All heating and energy is solar powered, or wood fired, all sustainably sourced from the forest, and wells supply fresh, natural spring water.

We practice responsible waste management and use biodegradable products. From architecture to daily routines, we integrate eco-friendly practices that reduce our footprint and promote a harmonious relationship with nature. Our commitment to environmental stewardship becomes part of your everyday life, providing a lesson in sustainability and a genuine connection to the earth.


Culinary Delights: A Feast for the Body and Soul

Dining at Mindful Recovery is an experience that transcends mere sustenance. Our talented chefs craft nourishing, delicious meals using locally sourced ingredients, ensuring a fresh and authentic taste that resonates with the local culture. From farm-to-table dining experiences to specialised dietary plans, our culinary offerings are customised to meet your nutritional needs and preferences. We understand that food is not just fuel but an integral part of the healing process. Our chefs collaborate closely with nutritionists to create balanced menus that support your recovery and well-being, making every meal a delightful and wholesome experience.


A Safe, Supportive Community

Our retreats are designed to foster a sense of community and connection, emphasising empathy, respect, and shared growth. Our team of seasoned professionals offers more than just guidance. They accompany you throughout your recovery journey, providing unwavering support every step of the way. We believe in attentive listening, effective problem-solving, and maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality. With us, you are not alone in your journey to a fulfilling life in recovery.


Your Sanctuary Awaits

Mindful Recovery is not just a retreat; it's a home away from home where your healing journey is our utmost priority. With a steadfast commitment to personalised care, a wide array of therapeutic options, and an unbreakable connection to nature, we create spaces where recovery flourishes.


Join us at Mindful Recovery, where the door to self-discovery, wellness, and a vibrant new beginning is always open. Embrace the opportunity to become the best version of yourself. Welcome to your journey. Welcome to Mindful Recovery.

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